World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor the worst expansion ever. WoD sucks!


Honestly: World of Warcraft Warlords of Draenor (WoD) ist the upmost worst expansion so far. WoD really sucks very hard. WoW:WoD sux. Period.

You think i’m trolling? Piss off and spend paying a sub fee for that Blizzard crap and be happy with it. All i can say, since Greg Street “Ghostcrawler” and some others left the team, WoW is getting more and more a “browser-kind-uninspired-ripoff”. The new character models are ugly like hell. All those untalented “new” designers/shapers should be fired. OMG, those young guns don’t have any clue about MMORPGs … With WoD it seems like WoW has lost it’s soul. Garrisons feel like a browser game, are a mandatory pointless shit, just being a time and gold sink. The WoD expansion is crap, a ton of recycled models and enemies. Blizzard, why you totally broke professions, caster playabilities etc. in WoD? All you deserve for this is a GFY! A sub fee: NO!

Biggest flop: “We’re working on the ability to send out Tweets—including screenshots—directly from within WoW, making it easier than ever to let friends know about your Achievements and item drops.” LOL, big ROFL. Are you kidding? Why the hell should i want to send out tweets? Are you on drugs?

In the English forum one user has nailed it down: “So far, this is the worst expansion to date. The game is now simplified to it’s highest degree yet. Professions are useless, you get gear through facebook app missions, there is the least amount of raiding content upon release that the game has seen so far, and the game is riddled with glitches.” (Cepatore). In the German forum the thread WoD eins der schlechtesten Add-ons bisher got more than 3850 postings and 19000 views. World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor sucks.



  1. The reason for the tweets is …MARKETING. They want you to advertise the game for them!
    and WOD is the biggest flop ever. I quit wow just one month into it as I see where they are headed…NO THANKS.


  2. aye , I haven’t been keeping up with the bitch/moan fest, didn’t even read up on WoD or anything. I just got the expansion a week ago and here I am , on my own googling “WoD Sucks” just to see if I was among few or many who think so. It’s so bad I’m about ready to start a new character and roleplay it .. I’m thinking of playing a nomad who walks everywhere , never runs or gets a mount , doing every single quest in the game. I’ll pause my leveling every 5 levels or something until I complete all the quests near that level and stop it completely at some point before 90 and wait until something changes or a decent expansion comes out.

    At least I’m not having to pay out my pocket for the 15$ mo. sub… for now anyway.


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